Beginning Ubuntu Server Administration

eBook - From Novice to Professional

Erschienen am 11.03.2008, Auflage: 1/2008
37,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781430205104
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 355 S., 3.57 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


You love it as the world's most popular desktop Linux distribution, and now Ubuntu is available at a server near you. Embracing the very same features desktop users have grown to love, system administrators are rapidly adopting Ubuntu due to their ability to configure, deploy, and manage network services more effectively than ever.

Beginning Ubuntu Server Administration guides you through all of the key configuration and administration tasks you'll need to know. Whether you're interested in adopting Ubuntu within a Fortune 500 environment or just want to use Ubuntu to manage your home network, this book is your goto guide to using the distribution securely for a wide variety of network services. Topics include file, print, web, and FTP management, commandline tips and tricks, automated installation, configuration and deployment processes, and kernel management.


Sander van Vugt is an independent trainer and consultant, living in the Netherlands and working throughout the European Union. He specializes in Linux and Novell systems, and has worked with both for more than 10 years. Besides being a trainer, he is also an author, having written more than 20 books and hundreds of technical articles. He is a Master Certified Novell Instructor (MCNI) and holds LPIC-1 and -2 certificates, as well as all important Novell certificates.


Installing Ubuntu Server.- Getting the Most Out of the Command Line.- Performing Essential System Administration Tasks.- Performing File System Management Tasks.- Configuring Your Server for Security.- Setting the System to Your Hand.- Running It Anyway You Like.- Making Connection.- Configuring Network Infrastructure Services.- Using Ubuntu Server As a File and Print Server.- Setting Up Web Services.- Multiplying Your Server.

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