The Contented Pregnancy


Erschienen am 02.05.2013, Auflage: 1/2013
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448118472
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 352 S., 1.19 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Discovering that you are about to become a mum is one of life's most joyful moments. This indispensable guide from Gina Ford and consultant obstetrician Dr Charlotte Chaliha provides mums-to-be with the practical, reassuring and down-to-earth advice they need for a calm and contented pregnancy. Includes:

- a month by month guide to the growth of your baby and your changing body - up-to-date guidance on nutrition, exercise and health - advice on preparing your home and lifestyle for a new arrival - how to prepare yourself for labour and birth - what to expect in the first few weeks with your baby

The Contented Pregnancy is the essential guide to enjoying a relaxed pregnancy and giving your baby the very best start in life.


Gina Ford is Britain's bestselling childcare author. Her first publication,The Contented Little Baby Book, has sold over a million copies and keeps going! Her advice and methods have been a godsend to tired, stressed parents throughout the world. She runs a hugely popular website: www.contentedbaby.com, and has published over twenty parenting books.

Dr Charlotte Chaliha is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at The Royal London and St Bartholomews Hospitals in London. She also provides private maternity and gynaecology services through the NHS and privately.


1: IntroductionPart 1: The Pregnancy Basics1: Fertility and Conception2: Discovering Youre Pregnant3: Nutrition During Pregnancy4: Caring for Yourself During Pregnancy5: Exercise During Pregnancy6: Your Antenatal CarePart 2: The Stages of Pregnancy7: The First Trimester8: The Second Trimester9: The Third Trimester10: Complications and Problems in PregnancyPart 3: Preparing for Life with Your Baby11: Preparing Your Home12: Your Changing Relationships13: Life and Work After Your BabyPart 4: Birth and Beyond14: Labour and Birth15: The First Few Weeks with Your Baby16: Conclusion17: Resources18: Acknowledgements19: Index


The complete guide to pregnancy and birth from no.1 parenting author Gina Ford

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