The Contented Little Baby Book Of Weaning


Erschienen am 24.04.2012, Auflage: 1/2012
9,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448118922
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 208 S., 2.39 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Weaning your baby on to solid foods is one of the most important milestones during the early months of parenthood, and Gina's expert advice on weaning makes a baby's transition from milk to solid foods as straightforward as possible. Successful weaning establishes a pattern of healthy eating in babies, avoiding the pitfalls of fussy eaters restricted to a narrow diet.

In this revised edition ofThe Contented Little Baby Book of Weaning, Gina includes the latest recommendations regarding breast-feeding and the introduction of solid food from the World Health Organisation and the UK Department of Health. She aims to take the worry out of weaning, guiding parents step-by-step through the process and shares the insight and expertise gained from personally helping to care for over 300 babies, and advising thousands more parents via her consultation service and website.

Included in this revised edition: - The best time of day to introduce the first solid food - Which foods to introduce and at what age - Getting the balance of milk feeds and solids right - How to eliminate night feeds once solids are introduced - The importance of introducing finger foods at the right age - Extended parent-friendly feeding plans to take parents step-by-step through the different stages - Newly developed rotating meal planners for older children up to the end of the first year - Brand new questions and answers giving the most up-to-date advice to parents. The Contented Little Baby Book of Weaningis the definitive guide to ensuring babies eat well now and as they grow up and is as relevant and helpful to those parents who have not previously followed Gina's routines.


Gina Ford is Britain's bestselling childcare author whose first publicationThe Contented Little Babyhas sold over a million copies and keeps going! With over thirty years hands-on experience as a maternity nurse, her advice and methods have been a godsend to tired, stressed parents throughout the world and have helped a generation of children go to bed on time and sleep calmly through the night. She runs a hugely popular website: www.contentedbaby.com and has published over twenty parenting books.


The bestselling author of The New Contented Little Baby Book offers practical, down-to-earth advice on weaning, a major area of parental nervousness

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