Your Baby and Toddler Problems Solved

eBook - A parent's trouble-shooting guide to the first three years

Erschienen am 04.08.2016, Auflage: 1/2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473528475
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 384 S., 1.08 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Bringing together decades of successful work with families, Gina Ford Solves All Your Baby and Toddler Problemsprovides answers to hundreds of baby and toddler care challenges.

Organised chronologically for easy reference and with detailed case studies and examples, Gina Ford, one of the UKs bestselling childcare authors, shares her practical and realistic solutions to help you and your baby or toddler have a contented household now and for years to come.

It is Ginas belief that sleeping and feeding are intrinsically linked and that all too often babies and toddlers are subjected to unnecessary sleep training methods. Whether your baby or toddler is a fussy feeder or waking up several times a night, her holistic and gentle approach will ensure that your childs feeding and sleeping needs are fully met, and that you resolve the root cause of the problem for good.


Gina Ford'sContented Little Baby Bookbecame a runaway bestseller when it was first published in 1999. She continues to be the number one bestselling author of childcare books in the UK. Her advice and methods have been a godsend to tired, stressed parents throughout the world and have helped a generation of children go to bed on time and sleep soundly through the night. She runs a hugely popular website: www.contentedbaby.com


1: Introduction1: UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS1: The Contented Little Baby Philosophy and Routines2: Understanding Your Babys Sleep2: THE FIRST YEAR3: The First Month (Birth to Four Weeks)4: Two to Three Months (Five to 12 Weeks)5: Four to Six Months (17 to 26 Weeks)6: Six to Nine Months7: Nine to 12 Months3: THE TODDLER YEARS8: One to Two Years9: Two to Three Years4: HELPING YOUR BABY TO SLEEP10: Teaching Your Baby to Self-Settle11: Sleep Training5: Index

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