Round Cape Horn


Erschienen am 23.05.2014, Auflage: 1/2014
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783730941065
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 178 S., 0.69 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Description of the Bark She sets Sail Uncomfortable Situation Specimen of our Discomforts A Squall Escape from a Waterspout Approach to the Cape Verde Islands Religious Services A School of Porpoises A Dutch Vessel A Flying-fish Annoyances Bad Cooking A Practical Joke Tropic of Cancer.The Bark James W. Paige of 240 tons burthen, was fitted up for a passenger ship in the latter part of the winter of 1852, by James Dunning and Joseph Nickerson of Bangor, Maine. A portion of the hold was made into a cabin with fourteen double berths on each side. Fifty-two passengers occupied this room. A small house with berths for fourteen passengers and a state-room for the captain was built over the cabin, and enclosed the companion-way or stairs leading down to the cabin. This cabin was called the after cabin, to distinguish it from the room in the hold, which was named the forward or main cabin; and the house was called the after house. Another house was constructed over the main cabin, in which lodged the mate and four or five passengers. The after cabin was appropriated to the ladies, though singularly enough, the Rev. Mr. Johnson, who, we were told, had been employed to officiate as our chaplain, was assigned a berth in this cabin, much to the annoyance of a portion of the ladies. The sailors occupied the forecastle. The cook's galley, a very important part of the ship's appointments, was placed between the two houses. These houses did not occupy the whole width of the deck, but a narrow space was left for a walk round them. There was also a small open space between the cook's galley and the after house, and at the ends of the houses.

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