Russian Watch

eBook - Bush Hog

Erschienen am 08.10.2016, Auflage: 1/2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783739677774
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 52 S., 0.70 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Three nine year old card playing Hillbilly girls were stolen, violently beaten and raped, two were shot. Incest was reality in mountain families. Two older brothers, uncles and cousins were brutally beating and raping my two sisters and me. Four children were stolen at birth, one by my parents which my uncle who raped me is possibly the father. One baby was stolen by a biker gang. Two more children were stolen while I was in a coma for nine months. I left school and home in fourth grade and never saw my brothers or sister again. Most of my life was spent on highways and streets getting raped with many knives and guns pulled to my head or throat. My dad was a Pentecost Oneness Preacher he went into the New Mexico court house to blow his head off. My oldest sister was dismembered in a semi wreck with a little boy in her arms. I hitchhiked across the states for many years and rode with biker gangs in different states. Several pregnancies I lived in the snow under a picnic table. I married a war hero with a prosthetic arm he beat me with. I bought houses and property I had to abandon to run from the violence leaving me homeless to this day. I married a gun toting wannabe Clint Eastwood who splattered my blood over all walls of our home hunted me like an animal. I was always running from violence. I married three violent men and the violence and abuse lasted 14 years each. While in a coma for nine months my mother in law found me and stole my two babies. I spent many years hitchhiking in the snow searching for my kids. Drug dealing was always a means to survive. Hundreds of felonies ranging from Arson to terrorist acts hundreds of DUIs blessed with a Governor's pardon. I had many breaks downs, major accidents, major surgeries, diseases, and countless beatings and rapes, thrown under bridges, out of vehicles, and in alleys, but I survived. I also survived a 16,000 pound building falling on me, crushing and twisting my body in different directions. I now have a huge list of injuries and disabilities. I survived worse case in history MRSA. My last daughter became an armed bank robber with Jesse James. I paid my debt to society lived a productive life after spending most of my life on highways, prisons or jails. I trained managers and cooks for over 38 years maintained second jobs as a cook or in construction or landscaping. I have 4 years college and majored in Secretarial Science, but left on my own terms. I managed to maintain jobs& write through all the homelessness, rapes and violence. My body and organs are donated so eventually I will get to fish forever in the Gulf of Mexico.

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